Spiritual Counselor
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Oki Nik sook oowowaki (Greetings my relatives)

During the last 23 years, Jim Eagle has used the teachings of his Cherokee mother, ancestors and Blackfeet(Kainai) relatives in helping both Native and non-Native peoples. Performing ceremonies, counseling and healing, using the guidance and help of the Creator and the spirit world, in such venues as hospitals, clinics, classes, sweat lodges, commercial complexes and private residences.

In his continuing travels throughout North America and Europe, Jim has assisted individuals who have had issues with: multiple sclorosis, aids, cancer, lupus, physical and mental abuse, depression, auto accidents, liver dysfunctions, crossing over, paralysis, back operations, rape and stress of many origins.

As his Native American name indicates, Jim is the protector of the sacred stones used in helping all peoples. Also, as directed by the spirits, Jim will incorporate the laying on of hands, time regression, pipe ceremony, songs, massage, spiritual cleansing, herbs, channeling and balancing of your spirits energy, long distance healing and if the special need should require it, to participate in piercing sundances.

If there has been a part of your life that you can not remember...if you are in conflict with persons or things and have no idea why...if you believe you or a loved one has run out of alternatives to finding possible solutions to situations (medical or otherwise)...then you should seek out Jim for his assistance.

Jim can also assist you in understanding what roles all creatures and spirits have in your surroundings and what they are trying to convey to you.

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